Building Your Confidence Toolbox

We tend to think of leaders as confident people. Confidence is what allows us to make tough decisions, to take chances, and to lead our organizations. But even the most courageous leaders have experienced moments of self-doubt. Whether it’s facing a particular challenge for the first time or moving into a new role or opportunity, it’s natural to feel less than confident as we move through these situations.  

Fortunately, as Christina Ching shared with us during our Courageous Leadership workshop last month, we are naturally confident beings. In the moments where our confidence is shaken, it’s up to us to find our way back to our true selves. Here are a few tools you can use to build your confidence and help you show up and lead with courage. 

Connect with your authentic and naturally confident self

It’s easy to get caught up in the feelings of self-doubt in new or challenging situations. When you find yourself focusing on who and what you’re not, that’s a cue to take a moment to do some self-reflection. Take some time to reflect on your strengths. Think about other situations where you’ve been successful. Focus on the unique qualities and experiences where you shine and have shaped who you are. 

Crush the confidence blockers

We all have confidence blockers -- those negative thoughts and beliefs holding us back from reaching our full potential. For many of us these blockers include things like our cultural upbringing, expectations from family, societal pressure or bias, and even our own internal dialogue. The key is to recognize these blockers for what they are and actively work to overcome them. Ask yourself, is this serving or sentencing me? Practice positive self-talk and challenge negative beliefs. 

Practice positive self-talk

The stories we tell ourselves have a powerful impact on how we show up in the world. “The results in your life have everything to do with how you speak to yourself,” Christina shared with us. Therefore, it’s essential to speak positively to and about yourself. When you notice your inner negative self-critic, reframe those stories into positive self-talk. 

Sit, stand, and move as your confident self

The way we use and move our bodies has a major impact on our confidence levels. When you’re feeling less than confident, your body language is likely a reflection of that -- avoiding eye contact, slouching, or speaking quietly. In these moments, simple actions like adjusting your posture, making eye contact, and speaking clearly and confidently can make a world of difference in how you feel and how others perceive you. 

Be supportive and embrace community

Building and tapping into our confidence shouldn’t be a solo endeavor. As Untapped Leaders, community is everything. Community is where we can turn for guidance, support, and encouragement when we need it the most. And it’s equally important and fulfilling for us to support others as well. Whether it’s a mentor, peer group, or community of like-minded leaders, confidence and community building go hand in hand. 

Remember, moments of self-doubts and feeling unconfident are normal. But there’s always a way back to your naturally confident self. Make confidence a daily habit and use these tools as often as you need. 


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